
Director of Innovation

Adam Jespersen

Adam joined the Montana Nonprofit Association in 2019 as its first Director of Innovation after more than a decade of progressive experience in nonprofit management, leadership, fundraising, and grant writing. Raised in rural Montana, Adam received his bachelor’s degree from Carroll College and his master’s in business administration from the University of Montana. Trained and experienced in Lean management and person-centered design, Adam is passionate about helping people, teams, and organizations across Montana find their stride in being more effective and impactful and has been recognized for his ability to dive headlong into finding solutions and for his cooperative and thoughtful leadership approach.

Pricing options

This course price is for MNA Members. Have an All Access Pass? Use your discount coupon at checkout.

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • How to use this course

    • Zoom link

  • 2

    Session #1: Excel 101 -- Beginner February 1

    • Table of Contents

    • Session 1 Recording

    • Session 1 Slides

    • Session 1 Resources

    • Session Evaluation

  • 3

    Session #2: Excel 201 – Intermediate February 8

    • Table of Contents

    • Session 2 Resources

    • Session Recording

    • Session 2 Supplemental Session: AND() and OR()

    • Session 2 Supplemental Video: Creating a Random Sample from List

    • Session Evaluation

    • Session 2 Supplemental Video: AVERAGEIF() and SUMIFS()

  • 4

    Session #3: Excel 202 – Upper Intermediate February 15

    • Table of Contents

    • Session 3 Recording

    • Session 3 Supplemental Session: VLOOKUP() and XLOOKUP()

    • Session 3 Resources

    • Course + Session Evaluation

  • 5

    Session 4: Excel 301 - February 22

    • Table of Contents

    • Session 4 Resources

    • Session 4 Recording

    • Course + Session Evaluation

Course Access

Welcome to the course platform! This is where all recordings and resources will be stored.  You can access all resources for six months after the class.

To access this course, please Sign In at the top right of the page. If you have purchased the course through MNA you will be directed to the course dashboard.  Email [email protected] if you have any questions or need assistance.

Happy learning!